Don’t look back. It’s the advice that I give myself when I am tempted to second-guess decisions or when I’m contemplating spending an evening with regret. It’s pretty rich coming from me, the woman with her head stuck forever in …

Don’t look back. It’s the advice that I give myself when I am tempted to second-guess decisions or when I’m contemplating spending an evening with regret. It’s pretty rich coming from me, the woman with her head stuck forever in …
I wouldn’t have called Grandma a fastidious record keeper. I’m not even sure that she kept records beyond the little notepads that we found beside her chair, full of abbreviations and phone numbers that only made sense to her. The …
My daughter Kaitlyn is playing on a travel softball team this summer. It is her first foray into travel sports and let’s just say that the season has been less than spectacular. The team has won a few games, but …
I wrote this two years ago on the day of the Kentucky Derby. The derby was supposed to be run today but it has been rescheduled for September; the first postponement since World War II. What better time then, to …
It’s Good Friday. The day that Jesus was tried, convicted, beaten, and nailed to a cross to die sounds anything but good. I guess perspective is important. For believers, it is the day that began a series of events that …
I woke up this morning thinking about freedom and was reminded of these words I wrote a few weeks ago. Today, I hope that we can all celebrate our independence from something.
I wrote this post nearly one year ago on a day when memories from my past came, seemingly, out of nowhere and left me shaking and feeling helpless. While I’m not a fan of these emotional onslaughts they have taught …
Valentine’s Day is celebrated with candy hearts and cards, but there are a group of families in Parkland, Florida that will forever remember it as the day that their loved ones, 14 of them students, died. I couldn’t help but …
On this last day of January, I thought I would share my thoughts on the New Year, the gift that is my daughter, and how the two led me to a few non-resolution resolutions for 2019.
Every Sunday morning I carve out a bit of quiet time for myself while my family sleeps. This week, my grandfather’s sweet spirit settled around me and left me with words. He always leaves me with words, which is funny, because he was a man of so few.